Prevention Of HIV Contraction

Prevention Of HIV Contraction

Introduction of HIV

There used to be a time when HIV was considered a death sentence. If a person was diagnosed with it – then he or she could do nothing but witness the slow degeneration of their bodies into death. However, today this is not the case. HIV is much closer to being a chronic disease than a death sentence. This is due to the immense progress in the development of medication for this disease. However, by all parameters, HIV is not a naïve disease. It’s a very serious form of illness that ruins people’s lives. It’s important to know how to manage it and prevent it in the first place. Below you will find some information about the prevention and management of HIV:

  1. Wear protection. This is a very important thing to do – not just because of the risk for catching aids. A condom has been shown as a very important tool that you can use for decreasing the risk of catching many different sexually transmitted diseases. Also, it’s very good for decreasing the number of unwanted pregnancies. But in the case of HIV and AIDS – it’s been shown that condom wear is one of the most important things that a person can do in order to protect themselves and their partner from transmission of the disease. Of course – condom wear is NOT a 100% effective birth control method or for preventing HIV and AIDS transmission.
  2. Be careful of who you’re having intercourse with. It’s all but impossible to tell which person has HIV or AIDS just by looking at them. The reason for this is that HIV can be rather asymptomatic for the carriers for a long time. However, it’s important to have a serious conversation with anyone that you’re about to have intercourse with about this subject. In this way, the two of you can talk about previous sexual experiences and determine whether one of you is at risk for having contracted HIV.
  3. Do frequent medical checkups – especially if you have a rich sexual life. A good thing that a person can do is catch HIV in its nascent phase. This is the second-best thing to do after not contracting the virus in the first place. If a person manages to catch the virus in time, then he or she will be able to manage it a lot better than if the person is late in catching it. Starting to take medication early is very important in sabotaging the process of multiplication of the virus in one’s body. Also, it will make it a lot less probable to transmit the virus to anyone else.
  4. Ban the use of shared needles. We feel that nobody in their right mind would share a needle in the first place – but it’s still important that we mention it. AIDS and HIV can be transmitted through blood, breast milk, and bodily fluids. Not sharing needles is one of the ways in which you can prevent the spread of HIV.

By all means, the above is just regular advice – it’s not medical advice. If you want to learn more about HIV and AIDS, then we strongly suggest that you talk to your doctor.

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