How Can You Define Sex Addiction?

man and woman kissing each other on bed

More often than not you will find people which state that they are addicted to sex. As you may imagine, many of them tend to not last a day or two without having sex. But is it possible to have such an addiction and not get rid of it? This all comes down to the … Read more

How Can You Have Better Sex Life

man jogging happily

The physical changes your body passes through as you grow older also have a great impact on your sexual performance. A decrease in the level of hormone and changes that occur in both neurological and circulatory function can result in sexual problems examples of which include sexual dysfunction or vaginal pain. How can you have … Read more

Painful Sex In Women, A Problem In Couple Sexual Relationship

woman put her face in her hand

Pains during sex, or dyspareunia, can lead to problems in the sexual relationship of couples. With physical aching sex, there is also the possibility of negative emotional effects. The problem, therefore, needs to be resolved as soon as it appears. What are the causes of a painful sex in women? In most cases, a woman … Read more