How Can You Have Better Sex Life

man jogging happily

The physical changes your body passes through as you grow older also have a great impact on your sexual performance. A decrease in the level of hormone and changes that occur in both neurological and circulatory function can result in sexual problems examples of which include sexual dysfunction or vaginal pain. How can you have … Read more

Rekindling Your Sex Life Can Fix Your Relationship, Sex Technique

Are you feeling frustrated because your relationship simply no longer has the romance and the magic in it that it had once upon a time? Is your sex life suffering, too? Don’t worry. A lot of other women in long-term relationships go through the same thing. This is because you have become so comfortable and … Read more

Eight Great Ways Sex Improves Our Health – Benefit Of Sex

man and woman kissing each other on bed

Sex is not just for having fun or pleasing each other. There are other sides to sex that you should know about to make you indulge in it more consciously. Sex reduces physical pain A lot of pain-relieving hormones is released into your body during sex. Hormones and compounds such as oxytocin and neuropeptides are … Read more